Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Raymond PowerSteer Option

Raymond Corp. offers a new PowerSteer option on its 8000 series rider pallet trucks to reduce the effort required to maneuver the truck and increase operator comfort.

The PowerSteer feature is available on the model 8400 end rider, model 8500 center rider and model 8600 tugger trucks. The PowerSteer option provides consistent, responsive steering and automatically decreases power-steering assistance levels as the speed of the pallet truck increases. The ACR system reduces maintenance, delivers more run time per battery charge and provides enhanced response to operator commands, according to Raymond.
Raymond’s center rider and tugger trucks with the PowerSteer option also feature adjustable-height handles to accommodate a range of operator heights and preferred operating positions. Center rider and tugger trucks with the PowerSteer option automatically slow down when the truck turns around corners.

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